Meet the barista: Jake


Ever wanted to get to know our team a little better? Well, we're starting a new feature on our instagram to showcase all our lovely and talented team members.

First up is Jake, one of our premier baristas!

Where are you from originally?
Bethlehem, Ga!

What lead you to craft coffee?
I’ve always been fascinated by coffee in general. I always saw it as like alchemy but with food. I honestly never thought I’d be able to do it, but here I am!

Whats your favorite part of being a Henny barista?
When we have kids sit at the bar and they watch me make a drink. They are a curious lot. They ask a lot of questions and I’m more than happy to answer. I did tell a kid one time that I’m a wizard and he believed me. He asked if he could be a wizard too and I told him to study hard and eat his veggies. His mom liked that.

Do you enjoy the process of making or the final product more?
I enjoy all of it, honestly. Making coffee is like dancing. You find a rhythm while making the drinks and it’s a lot of fun.

When you’re not working as a barista, how do you spend your time?
I spend my time writing scripts, listening to music, and playing video games.

What talent would you most like to have?
I wish I could play a musical instrument of any kind. Preferably something like the bass guitar, trumpet, theremin!

What is something no one knows about you or your secret talent?
I can put a cookie on my forehead and using my facial muscles move it to my mouth.  I won my a charity men’s pageant in high school that way.

What do you love most about Henny customers?
I love the friendships I’ve made with all of our regulars!

What are you reading, watching or listening to lately?
Pretty much the entire discography of both Thundercat and Mac Miller

What is something you love that most people hate?
So, I’m Filipino and growing up I used to eat these potato chips that were shrimp flavored. I still love them to this day. I’ve offered them to everyone of my friends before and they all hate them. Guess that just leaves more for me.

Lastly, How do you take your coffee?
If we’re talking a simple cup of coffee, I take mine with a little bit of honey and milk. If we’re talking espresso drinks, I’ll take a cafe con leche with a dash of cinnamon. Any day. Hot or Iced.

Thanks Jake!

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