Meet the team: Nadiya

Ever wanted to get to know our team a little better? Well, we're starting a new feature on our instagram to showcase all our lovely and talented team members.
Today is Nadiya, one of our amazing bakers!

Where are you from originally?
I was born and raised in Savannah, GA

What lead you to baking?
It’s something that was a big part of my childhood. I would bake alot with my mom and grandma. It's something that has always made me happy.

Do you enjoy the process of making or the final product more?
I think I enjoy the final product more because I'm very impatient and I'm always excited to try or show off what I've made

When you’re not working as a baker, how do you spend your time?
I've kinda become a homebody since Covid. But before then I was quite the foodie, so I was always trying new food in the city. But more recently I'm home catching up on animes

What are you reading, watching or listening to lately?
I'm currently watching Umbrella Academy, The Seven Deadly Sins, and i will ALWAYS be a advocate for My Hero Academia

Personal motto?
I'm very big on self satisfaction and I feel like when you are truly proud of something you have done never let anyone tell you that it is not amazing.

Lastly, How do you take your coffee?
Iced Cafe Con Leche with oat milk and caramel upsized. Always iced I never really drink hot coffee


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